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Who Am I?

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About Me

Nasira is a writer and social impact specialist with a passion for connecting people to resources to best suit their needs. Writing came into her life at a young age by way of creatively expressing herself and healing through journaling. Nasira has served as a program manager for a national nonprofit where she managed large-scale meal packing service events in up to five different cities, and as the director of social media and engagement for a health tech startup where she managed social media marketing operations across multiple platforms, developed and expanded brand awareness and community. Her mission is to build community and share captivating content through technology and empowering experiences. She is interested in leveraging technology for social good and work towards stronger, more equitable, and empathetic communities globally.

Writing came into her life in the form of journaling at a young age. Throughout her undergraduate experiences as a student at Howard University, Nasira continued journaling and found healing through her writing. She formed a community in her friendships at Howard and sought out ways to connect with others who shared similar experiences and backgrounds. Nasira's passion for helping others led her to NYU where she completed her master's of public health in Health Policy. Her goal is to become deeply versed in social impact so that she can continue to play a major role in advancing transformative experiences.

Nasira is an avid traveler having visited over 10 countries and counting. She enjoys eating great food, practicing yoga, writing, spending time with friends and family, finding the best flight deals at a steal, listening to music and podcasts, cooking, and engaging in radical acts of self-care.

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Posted on Jan. 6, 2021, 11:40 p.m.

Awesome! You rock!

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