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Healing Spells

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I like to think of self-care as an act of kindness that nurtures, uplifts, heals, inspires, and adds more happiness to my life. Every day is an opportunity to pour into ourselves. In the rising, in the afternoon, during breaks and in between, there is a chance to engage in new ways to nourish the soul. In the age of social media, it’s easy to scroll through Instagram and come across a post that talks about the best ways to practice self-care or see an article on Twitter whose title draws you in about things to buy for your self-care. Self-care is not a one size fits all package wrapped up in a pretty box. It doesn’t require you to purchase anything. Self-care can look ugly, feel uncomfortable, and not always show up as what you think you need at the moment. But it’s meant to grow us and help us heal. The recent Full Moon in Taurus is a time for us to get clear about our needs, organize, declutter our minds, bodies, souls, physical spaces, and be more present. Self care routines are a great opportunity to buckle down and become clear about our wants, needs, and desires. Here are five of my go-to acts of self-care that I incorporate in my day to day:

Express Gratitude

Gratitude is a beautiful way to start the day. It sends signals to the Universe that you are ready to receive more abundance because you are happy where you are. When I wake up in the rising, I remain in bed for a few minutes and think about what I’m grateful for. I even say the things I’m grateful for aloud. Expressing gratitude doesn’t have to be a formal thing so try not to put too much pressure on the “right thing” to say. There is no right or wrong way. It’s whatever you’re grateful for in your life. I express gratitude for waking up, my cozy bed, the time I spent connecting with a friend, a nice bubble bath I took, the great meal I cooked the night before, and anything else that comes to mind. Following gratitude, I take time for stillness.


Meditation can make a lot of folks hesitant to try it for many reasons. We’ve all heard: “I can’t keep my mind still”, “It’s too quiet”, “How long do I have to do it?”, “I must be doing it wrong because my life hasn’t gotten better”. Meditation is an intentional act of stillness that is meant to reconnect us to our center and gain emotional clarity. Make sure you go into your practice with an open heart and no expectations of an outcome. I meditate in a variety of ways. In the rising, I remain still in my bed and take deep breaths. I’ll set a timer for ten minutes and tune into my breathing. My mind often decides that THIS is the perfect time to think about a billion and one things. When this happens, I pause, I affirm that it is okay to have these thoughts, I let them go, and return to my breathing. I do this each time my mind begins to wander and I remain in the flow. I enjoy sitting on my spacious balcony in my Harlem apartment situated right across from the Hudson River. I sit outside on it often and I listen to the white noise of the highway, watch the waves of the river, sip a cup of tea, read a book, watch the sunset, moon bathe or listen to affirmations. These are all forms of meditation that bring me back to my heart center and allow peace to flow through me.

At-Home Spa Sessions

Let me tell you. I love taking care of my skin. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and it’s crucial that we nourish it from the inside out. In January of 2019, one of the goals I set was to develop a consistent skincare routine AND stick to it (because: accountability). One of the easiest (and free) ways you can start taking better care of your skin is hydrating! Water water water. Water is life. Water is your friend. Water is here for you. Water is energy. Water is love. Drink it daily. Along with drinking water, it’s important to properly cleanse your face and use products appropriate for your skin type. I’m no aesthetician, so I recommend scheduling an appointment with one or visiting a beauty store such as Ulta or Sephora for a quick consult (you might be able to score one complimentary) so they can take a deeper look at your skin and teach you new things. A spa session isn’t complete without the blessing that is a face mask. I LOVE a good face mask. 20 minutes of uninterrupted lounging and allowing the mask to work its magic is the best feeling. After I’ve let the serum from a mask just about soak in, I take my amethyst facial roller and massage the remaining serum into my face for 3-5 minutes. Facial rollers are really good for your lymphatic system. Regular use of them can reduce wrinkles, increase collagen production, and decrease toxins within you. Get into a little crystal magic healing and tap in. TJ Maxx is a great place to find all of the products I mentioned so you can create an amazing at-home spa experience.

Be Outside in Nature

I highly encourage you to spend time in nature daily. Breathe in the fresh air, show gratitude to mother nature, and be in stillness. I love to bring my blanket and sit outside on a trail along the Hudson River sunbathing while observing life all around me. The trees blowing in the wind ever so subtly. The waves crashing against the rocks. The hum of bikes riding past me. Spending time outside has a host of health benefits, too. It can help lower your blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Being in nature can ward off depression and improve your mental muscle memory. Nature can increase your energy levels and put anxiety at ease. With so many benefits, its a wonder why we don’t take advantage of this free resource more often.

I hope that I’ve been able to inspire you with my healing spells of self-care rituals that I incorporate into my daily practice. Self-care comes in many different forms, and it’s important that you find what feels right to you. Try a new practice before you turn in for the night. May this guide help you break the cycles of generational trauma that was never yours to inherit. Awaken the soul. Ase!

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